--> I've Got a Secret - Trinity College

I’ve Got a Secret

i've got a secretMany of my readers will be too young to remember a program entitled, “I’ve Got A Secret.” It ran from 1952-1967. A contestant came before a panel who had a secret.  The panel’s assignment was to discover it.  It ranged from the unusual to the humorous.  You were to put on your ‘detective hat’ and discover it through questioning. This came to my mind when I recognized a new and afresh the ‘Secret’ of handling all the commotion that we are facing today.  Crisis after Crisis … Confusion at the 10th level, Chaos in the culture, seeping into the Church, and appearing in discussions and decisions. What is happening?  People are unhinged. There are no anchors of wisdom and understanding.  We have lost our way. Christians are being marginalized.  What are we to think?

There is a ‘simple secret’ to know about handling commotion. It is seen throughout the Gospels and New Testament books as well as the entire Old Testament. It is clear, simple, and focused. Mark 5 reveals it … ready? “Jairus, a father, says to Jesus: ‘My little daughter is dying.  Come and lay your hands on her so that she can get well and live.’ So, Jesus went with him…” verses 23-24See the secret?  The event proceeds when the father is told his daughter is dead.  Jesus overhears that word and says to the father: “Don’t be afraid.  Only Believe.” verse 36.  They arrive at his home; the scriptures record the following:

“They came to the leader’s house, and He saw a commotion—people weeping and wailing loudly.  He went in and said to them.  ‘Why are you making a commotion and weeping?  The child is not dead but asleep.  They laughed at Him…” verses 38-40. The daughter is brought to life.  A miracle occurs … What is the secret”?  Even when things are out of control and chaotic, when there is a sense of despair, hopelessness, pain, unresolved troubles, burdens, and disputes, there is a ‘Secret’ to keep you on track, going forward, and in peace:

The Secret is:  Jesus is With You, Jesus is Present!

Yes, before the intervention, the ‘touch,’ and resolution, He is Present and He is with You!  He said in Matthew 28, the last words recorded: “I am with you always to the end of the age.”  He reminded Moses and Joshua, ‘I am with you’ over and over!  Isaiah reminds his readers that God is with them. He says: ‘I am with you!’  Enjoy the Pleasure of His Promise that leads to the awareness of His Presence through the revelation of the Comforter, the Holy Spirit!  He gives you the ‘awareness,’ the feeling of companionship that leads to calmness and confidence amid commotion!  What a reality!  What a Joy!

Do you have any troubles – issues with which you are dealing? Do you have burdens – things you carry? Do you have any disputes – things you need to resolve?  Remember, He is in the ‘boat’ with you through any storm!   Deuteronomy 1:12, Mark 4 and 6.

This is the Secret So Many Do Not Know!

DMark O'Farrellownload full version April 2021 President’s Circle

Dr. Mark O’Farrell, College President

President’s Circle