Certificate in Apologetics

and Christian Evidencesstuart e. parsons, ph.d chair, bible and theology department

Department Chair:  Stuart E. Parsons, Ph.D.

The Certificate in Apologetics and Christian Evidences is for students who wish to be equipped to deal with the philosophical and theological issues that increasingly arise in evangelism and missions directed to atheists or those who hold to other major world religions.

Graduation Requirements

All of the following requirements must be met in order to receive a Certificate in Apologetics and Christian Evidences from Trinity College:

  1. Completion of at least 18 credits in residence at Trinity College
  2. Satisfactory completion of a minimum of 30 semester hours with at least a 3.0 cumulative grade point average
  3. Satisfactory completion of all requirements of the Certificate of Apologetics and Christian Evidences curriculum
  4. Continued evidence of a consistent genuine Christian testimony
  5. Continued essential agreement with the Doctrinal Statement of the College
  6. Satisfactory fulfillment of all financial obligations to the College. No certificate will be granted or transcript provided to a student with an outstanding financial obligation to the College.
  7. Affirmative recommendation for graduation by the faculty, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the Board of Trustees.

Certificate Requirements (Total required credits: 30) Suggested One-Year Schedule:

Required Courses

THEO 4311  Apologetics

MISS 1301 World Missions and Religions

ISC 1502 Darwinism and Intelligent Design

THEO 3301 Systematic Theology I

BIBL 4301 Romans

THEO 3303 C.S. Lewis: Apostle to the Skeptic

Choose 4 courses:

THEO 4301 Contemporary Ethical Issues

THEO 4312 Advanced Apologetics

THEO 4302 Issues in Science and Theology

THEO 3322 Contemporary Issues in Theology and Ethics

MISS 4301 World Religions

BIBL 1322 Old Testament Poetry and Prophecy

BIBL 2321 New Testament History and Letters

BIBL 2301 Life and Revelation of Christ

Why a Certificate in Apologetics and Christian Evidences?

Certificate of Apologetics and Christian Evidences PDF

There are many reasons the certificate may be the right choice for you.

  • This program may also help a student to meet the requirements of various mission boards.
  • The certificate is also appropriate for lay workers in local churches who are aware of their need for formal apologetics education.
  • The certificate in apologetics and Christian evidences is a great place to begin your educational journey prior to military service, or entering the workforce.
  • You already have a degree but are seeking additional instruction in apologetics studies.
  • The certificate is also appropriate for lay workers in local churches who are aware of their need for formal education.
  • Learning and applying the Bible will give you the greatest advantage in life.
Bible college major
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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

How long does it take to complete this program?

The Certificate is designed to be a 30 credit one year program.

Some students attend completely online, others attend on campus. The on campus courses are the traditional 15 week semesters in the fall and spring each year. The online courses are two 8-week modules (Spring A) and then (Spring B). Summer courses are available but may not offer courses that are offered in the spring and fall semesters.

How much is tuition?


Tuition for full-time (12-18 credits per semester) is $7,600. Students enrolled in 19

credits and above are billed at a rate of $510 per credit hour. Tuition for retired senior citizens 65+ is $255.00 per credit hour.

See full list of Tuition and Fees

What fundings and or Financial Aid is available for certificate programs?

Financial Aid is available for qualifying students who wish to attend full time and complete a certificate program. Contact the Financial Aid office for assistance.