Interdisciplinary and Science Course Descriptions

Equipping you to pursue your purpose with excellence

ISC 1502 Darwinism and Intelligent Design*
3 Credit Hours
This course introduces students to the scientific debate over creation, evolution and intelligent design in the modern era. With a focus on Darwinism’s intensifying paradigm-crisis since the 1980s, we will survey (a) basic principles of lab science and historical science, (b) the range of arguments and lines of evidence that are set forth to defend either Darwinism or Intelligent Design, and (c) key discoveries from astronomy, physics, and chemistry that lead to the inference of a designed universe. The relationship of science and Christian Theology will be explored on selected topics in the origins debate.

INDS 4081 4082 Interdisciplinary Internship
0 Credit Hours
Internships: Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts degree programs except for Advanced Theological Studies majors are required to participate in a minimum two semester internship program in their specialized fields. The internship program is practical field work in a specialized area of ministry and will be supervised by the student’s academic advisor. A written report of the field experience will be submitted at the end of the second semester and will be graded by the academic advisor. It will be graded with satisfactory or unsatisfactory.

*indicates this course is included in the Statewide Course Numbering System.

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