Zachary Hedges serves as Assistant Professor of Bible & Theology and Director of the Honors Program. He completed a B.A. in History at the University of Cincinnati (2012) and an M.Div. (2016), Th.M. (2017), and Ph.D. (2023) at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Before coming to Trinity, Dr. Hedges served as Adjunct Instructor and Assistant Director for Research Doctoral Programs at Boyce College and Southern Seminary in Louisville, KY. He regularly participates in the Evangelical Theological Society and the North American Patristics Society, and his research and writing focuses on early Christian theology and biblical interpretation. Originally from the Cincinnati, OH, area, Zachary now lives in Trinity with his wife, Rachel, daughter Zoe, and their cat, Grady. When not reading and writing, he enjoys good coffee, Mexican food, baseball, and playing guitar.